Teaching has sat upon me. Heavily. The weight of being tied down and drowning in chronic stress. It’s no way to live. But recently in fourth grade we taught a…
Catholic FaithFREEBIES
Love Never Fails – Reflection + Free Wallpaper for Valentine’s Day
by Rachelby RachelLove never fails. It’s easy to believe when you’re in love but if you’re not? Ummm…it might not be so apparent, but love STILL never fails, but the love that…
Read This First I originally wrote this post in February of 2023, pre-reversion. I am reposting it not because I agree with everything I wrote here, but because I see…
PhotographySimple LivingTexasTravel
A Quiet Sunday in Photos – Hemisfair Park, San Antonio
by Rachelby RachelThis post is a collection of moments, of details. Details are what keep things interesting around here. To be honest, there are times in the mundane, everyday, where I lose…
Peru is one of my favorite places to be and there is absolutely no explanation for it. Sure it’s home to wonders like Machu Picchu and the Andes mountains, and…
PeruSimple LivingTravel
Love for Peruvian Textiles and Pottery – Home Decor from Peru
by Rachelby RachelWhat type of souvenir purchaser are you? Are you a souvenir maximalist or a minimalist? I have considered myself to be both at varying times. During my trip to Peru,…
Visiting El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve – Michoacán, Mexico
by Rachelby RachelOver this past Christmas break I was able to travel to Michoacán, Mexico to see the monarch butterflies in their winter home. My style of travel is to follow my…
File this as a hot tip for visiting Latin America. When I am in Latin America I prefer using paid restrooms. Sometimes I hear Americans complain about having to pay…
Something beautiful happens here every springtime. The brown and leafless foliage all around starts to become green again, and not just any green! A bright, spring green. The mesquite trees…
Don’t let the bastards grind you down. I have noticed that since starting work at my new school I have found it more difficult to hang on to hope. There…