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Autoanthropology and the Search for Belonging

by Rachel

I feel like an anthropologist wherever I go.

I registered at the University of Texas an an anthropology major and one of the very first classes I took was Anthropology 101. What I remember most (other than that the TA was blind and had to use accessibility tools on his laptop) is one assignment in which we were tasked with choosing a local place to make observations over the course of several days. This was in Austin, Texas. And I chose to make observations on Guadalupe street, in an alleyway where I noticed that groups of artsy and emo kids would hang out.

It was interesting, this idea that we can be anthropologists in any environment, even local ones. In our own country, in our own city, that have their own internal culture and social rules.

Ollantaytambo, Peru
My lovely self just outside of Ollantaytambo, Peru

The problem is I have never felt like I quite fit in and have been making observations like this all of my life. I have always tried to figure out how to be normal, how to emulate the rules of society. Maybe everyone feels that way, or maybe this is particularly a problem for me.

Either way, it is exhausting. It makes me feel very open to adapting to new situations and seeing things from other peoples’ perspectives. Except the perspective of those strange and elusive folks who think cilantro tastes like soap. I will never relent here. But I am also very susceptible to assuming that I am wrong in every situation and that I must change to fit what appears to be the norm. It leaves me constantly questioning my place in the world. It sometimes leads me to stay too long in situations that don’t feel good because I assume the problem must be me.

It also makes it easier for me to visit new places with a totally open heart, to learn from new people and adapt new customs that feel good to me. Without the influence of culture or expectation who would I be?

That’s the question I hope to explore more in this blog through meeting new people, exploring new cultures and learning languages. I hope you’ll come along with me on the journey.

This feels like the most authentic thing I’ve written in a while. Also, my most recent adventure has been in the Colombian Amazon and I am OBSESSED.

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