Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
I have noticed that since starting work at my new school I have found it more difficult to hang on to hope.
There is a battle raging in me to be truly me or to allow myself to be shaped by another. I am glowing red hot and wrapped around a metal rod the way glass blowers shape glass. Bend or break away.
It feels uncomfortable to walk around as someone else.
I noticed it more at the beginning of the year, a stark contrast.
It was like a place where two seas meet but do not mix. A tree being choked by a vine. I left one of the first training days with a sense of anxiety and did not know the source. Wet hair. “Don’t come to work with wet hair because it means you didn’t wake up early enough.” Walking in the park I felt the influence of the other drain through my feet.
“We are a family here.” Family means mandatory. Everything feels forced.
This writing is an anchor, for the me that is truly me and is still here.
You don’t have to drift away. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down Wallpaper
I made a wallpaper to remind me to anchor myself in my own energy and to not get caught up in the drama in my workplace. If you would like a copy click the link down below! I couldn’t decide which one I like best so I made two versions.

Hope you like them!