Home » Shortcut to Mushrooms

Shortcut to Mushrooms

by Rachel

This week I have been working with a lot of joy and letting ego slide away to allow my natural joy and happiness shine through. Some things that are coming up this week are: a friend of a friend contacted me about doing some photos of her son, I am working a lot on the travel blog and have two posts nearly ready to place on the blog, and I am feeling out this new version of myself that is coming to the fore.

That last one is a doozy. I frequently find myself trying to figure out if I am doing something because I enjoy it and it works for me, or because it is easy and expected. I don’t want to do the expected and easy anymore. I want to be truly authentic.

Authentic for me in this moment means working on my diet and fitness. It feels important to me to eat vegetarian and do yoga and build strength in my muscles. It would feel great to work and build up those things.

I am also excited to have signed up for a mushroom workshop in San Antonio. The workshop is about growing your own mushrooms. I’m excited about this as I feel myself more and more drawn to plant medicine and conscious eating. It seems like a good way to reduce the amount of meat in my diet which feels really good. It feels in alignment with who I am.

If anyone happens to see this from the old version of this blog, you can find Peru and travel content here.

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