Home ยป Metanoia


by Rachel

I am turning around, encountering myself where I started, but not where I started. Encountering myself in the center of a God I thought I lost. Submerged in the ocean, but not perceiving water. Suddenly I bob to the surface and swallow a breath of air, and see the water I have been searching for all along, and clean, life-giving air.

For the past 4 years I have been submerged in the new-age, but I am making a change. A full 180. I am selling or sacking my oracle cards, tarot cards, vestiges of the deception there and giving my life back to Christ.

This blog in which I once spoke of manifestation and affirmations will now be a chronicle of my life in pilgrimage: a constant seeking of the one who is the center of all.

It was the way that this blog started, after all. It is fitting that I find myself back here once again.

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